Deen, Fordice, Hallett, Hodges and Van Horn Families - Person Sheet
Deen, Fordice, Hallett, Hodges and Van Horn Families - Person Sheet
NameJoe ? Unknown (Pennington)
ChildrenLucy (~1820-<1890)
Notes for Joe ? Unknown (Pennington)

We do not know for sure that Joe is the father of Lucy pennington. A Lucy is included in the will of Julius Hite, but she is decribed as the child of Joe and Eliza. Our Lucy would have been 31 in 1851, a grown woman with children of her own.

Possibly enslaved by the family of Edward Pennington and his wife Antoinette Lark . Edward Pennington was born in Surrey County but his wife was born in Lunenburg County. They ventually settled in Mecklenburg County, where our Lucy was born. The Pennington family sold or freed all their slaves and left Mecklenburg for the non-slave states of Ohio and Indiana. It’s possible Joe and his wife Eliza were sold to Julius Hite by the Pennington family upon Edward’s death. The Pennington slaves were sold between 1797 and 1801.

Last Will and Testament of Julius Hite

"I, Julius Hite of the County of Lunenburg & State of Virginia do make and ordain this my last will and testament in the manner and form following, to wit: Item 1st.I give to my daughter Nancy S Hines the following slaves, Moses and Pleasant to dispose of as she may think proper, also Joe and Eliza his wife and their children Lucy & Andrew during her natural life and at her death to be equally divided between her youngest children, viz:Millington, Benjamin W, Turner S, Warner P, & Virginia Hines.I also give her a bond executed to me by her on the 19th day of January 1842 for between seven and eight hundred dollars, which bond is either lost or mislaid.I also give her the two hundred acres of land on which Thomas S Hines now resides. Item 2nd.I give to my grandson Edmund M Hite my man Sandy and his tools, also Macklane, Coleman & Tempe to him & his heirs forever. Item 3rd.I give to my grandson Walter W Hite the following slaves Griffin & Peggy & her three girl children also five hundred dollars in money to him and his heirs forever. Item 4th.I give to my grandson James L Hite my man Cheeseman and Nicholas, also a lot of land beginning at a corner turkey oak on the ridge road, thence a new chopped line bearing west to corner white oak, thence north west to Harpers road to a corner turkey oak also the hire of Cheeseman for the last year to him and his heirs forever. Item 5th.I give to my grandson Wm L Hite, the following slaves, George & his tools, Robin, Minerva and her three children, Milly & child & Edinborough, also the tracts of land whereon I now reside beginning at Harper's Road on a corner white oak, thence a new chopped line to a corner maypole on the Tacheln branch, thence up the branch to William E Walker's corner white oak, thence south west to Meherrin river, thence up the river to Samuel Ozlin's line, thence along said Ozlin's line to Miss Marietta Blackwell's line, thence to Harper's road, thence along said road to beginning, supposed to contain six hundred acres. Also the tract purchased by Walter W Hite known as the mill tract which I give him in payment for the tract which I have herein before willed to Nancy S Hines.Also one-half of my grist mill & cotton Machine to him and his heirs forever. Item 6th.I give to my granddaughter Eliza Strange, my boy Drury also one hundred dollars to her and her heirs forever. Item 7th.I give to my granddaughter Susan Williams, to be paid into the hands of Benjamin Strange as trustee the sum of three hundred dollars or interest to be paid to her as her necessities may require. Item 8th.I give to my granddaughter Minerva Thompson my boy Henderson, also two hundred dollars to her and her heirs forever. Item 9th.I give to my granddaughter Ermin Kennedy my boy Sam also one hundred dollars to her and her heirs forever. Item 10th.I give to my granddaughter Pamelia Ozlin my woman Angelina & child also one hundred dollars to her and her heirs forever. Item 11th.I give to my grandson Thomas H Callis my man Davy and his wife Violet also one hundred dollars to him and his heirs forever. Item 12th.I give to William A Hines' six oldest children, Viz: Washington, James, Thomas, Martha, Elizabeth & Mary the sum of twelve hundred dollars to be paid into the hands of James L and Edmund M Hite on interest for the benefit of the children and to give to them as their necessities by require.And when the boys shall arrive to lawful age to pay over to them their proportion of the sum then in hand, and to the girls in like manner when they shall arrive to lawful age or marriage. But should any of them die the their proportion to be equally divided between those that are living. Item 13th.I give to my two great grandsons Benjamin Hite & Llewellyn Hite each one hundred dollars to be paid to their guardians. Item 14th.I give to my granddaughter Henrietta Buford's four children three hundred dollars each, to them and their heirs forever. Item 15th.I give to my grandson Wm A Hines the sum of two hundred dollars to be paid into the hands of Edmund M Hite to be paid to him as he may stand in need for the support of his family. Item 16th.I give to Wm E Walker my woman Tabby & girl Martha. Also the balance of my land not herein before willed away, including the tract on which he now resides, dower interest to him and his heirs forever. Item 17th.It is my will that my old servants, Jimmy, Betty & Cherry should be permitted to choose masters whom they may prefer. Item 18th.All the residue of my estate not herein before willed away I wish my executors to sell and pay the legacies herein willed away.And the remainder to be equally divided between Edmund M Hite, Walter W Hite, James L Hite, William L Hite and Nancy S Hines. Lastly, I nominate and appoint my grandson Edmund M Hite and my friend Robert Blackwell Executors of this my last will and testament. Witness my hand and seal this 22nd day of February 1851. his Witnesses:William T Blackwell JuliusX Hite E H Blackwell mark Thomas H Gee Wm E Walker Griffin O Hardy Wm H Hardy Enos H Barnes TESTE:T. W.Winn, CC”
Last Modified 13 Feb 2019Created 28 Sep 2020 Anthony Deen