Deen, Fordice, Hallett, Hodges and Van Horn Families - Person Sheet
Deen, Fordice, Hallett, Hodges and Van Horn Families - Person Sheet
NameWIlliam Dungan
Birthabt 1606, Celbridge, Kildare, Leinster, Ireland
Death18 Sep 1636, St. Martins in the Field, London, England
Birth15 Feb 1610, Kempstone, Bedfordshire, England
Death2 Sep 1677, Newport, Newport County, Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations
Marriage27 Aug 1629, St. Martin-in-the-Field, London, England
ChildrenThomas (1635-1688)
Notes for WIlliam Dungan
William DUNGAN, son of Thomas and Mary, was born c 1607. He married at St. Martins-in-the-Fields, 27 Aug 1629, to Frances LATHAM. She was born 15 Feb 1609, the daughter of Lewis LATHAM and his first wife, Elizabeth. She died in Rhode Island in Sept 1677, age 67.

The Dungan name is seen in both English and Irish people. This line which came to the Colonies in the 1600's was an English family, one branch of which had a title in Ireland.

William Dungan, Gentleman, who was born about 1606, a London merchant and perfumer. His wares were in great demand and quite necessary to offset the obnoxious odors arising from the gutters in a thickly settled district subject to heavy fog and having surface drainage.

William DUNGAN died Sept 1636 and was buried at St. Martins-in-the-Fields, London, 20 Sept 1636. He left a will which is recorded in Somerset House, London. In it, he mentions his wife and children Barbara; William; Frances; and Thomas. The parish register gives the baptisms as follows: Barbara 28 Sept 1630 m: James Baker; Frances 12 Nov 1632 m: Randall Holden; Thomas 13 Feb 1634; William was not found; a daughter Elizabeth was baptized 13 Dec 1633. She probably died young.

In 1637, Frances DUNGAN, widow of William lived in Convent Garden. About that time, she married Jeremy CLARKE, nephew of the Lord Treasurer and came to America. [2]

A number of sources were consulted for the sketches on the Dungans and Lathams. The History of Bucks Co., PA and the genealogies of the Carrell and Dungan families were used. There was much other material sent, but the sources were not given. There were contradictions everywhere. Some of all of them were used, but especially an article entitled "Findings Regarding the Ancestry of William Dungan of St. Martins-in-the-Fields, London", published on page 103 Forbears, Volume 15, No. 2, Spring 1972 by Robert Joseph Curfman. He had spent time in England doing original research, and had resolved many of the contradictions. [3]


June 15, 1628, As an adult.

From the parish Registers of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, London, 1619-1636 published 1936, volume 2, pages 143, 72, 89, 99, 112, 313 we see:

Children's Baptisms :

28 Sep 1630: Barbarea Dunken filia Guillelmi et Franciscae
12 Nov 1632: Frances Dungan filia Willimi et Frannciscae
13 Dec 1663: Elizabetha Dungan filia Guillelmi et Francesscae
13 Feb 1634/5: Thomas Dunkin fillius Guillelmi et Franscescae

Marriage by the Rev. Thomas Mountford D.D. Vicar of St. Martin in the Fields; listed as Guiliemus Dungan and Francisca Ladham.

From the parish Registers of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, London, 1619-1636 published 1936, volume 2, pages 143, 72, 89, 99, 112, 313 we see:

Marriages: 27 Aug. 1629: Guillielmus Dungan & Francisca Ladham, with license.


"Perfumer of London", Merchant and Perfumer


September 16, 1636, Somerset House, London

His will "William Dunghen of ye Parrish of St. Martin in ye fields in ye Countie of Middx. perfumer" mentions his wife and children.

Will located at Somerset House, London. "William Dunghen of ye Parrish of St. Martin-in-the-fields in ye Countie of Middx. Perfumer" dated 16 Sep. 1636, probated 10-25-1636 Mentions wife and children: Barbara, William, Francis, and Thomas. Contrary to a statement by A.R. Justice "referring to the parish register of St. Martin in the Fields, there is no mention of William or Francis or of their Children" from Dungan

By his Will dated 13 September 1636 he gave all his property to his wife Frances, after bequeathing £70 to each of his four children whom he mentions by name. They made their home at St. Martins-in-the-Fields where later he died and was buried 20 September 1636, leaving her a widow at age 26 with four little children between the ages of 2 and 8 years.

William made his will on 13 Sep 1636 at St. Martins in the Field, Middlesex, England. It reads: "In the name of God amen, I, William Dunghen, of the parish of St. Martins 'the Fields, in the County of Middlesex, Perfumer, being sick of body, but of good and perfect memory and understanding (thanks be given to Almighty God therefore doe make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament, in manner and forme following, That is to saye, First and principally, I commit my sole unto the hands Almighty God, my Maker, Saviour and Redeemer, through whose mercies and merits , I hope to be saved and to enjoy everlasting life in his heavenly kingdome. My body I commit to earth from whence it came to be buried at the discretion of my loving wife and executrix, here under named. And for my wordly goods wherewith God hath endowed me (my just debts being first paid and funeral expenses discharged I give and bequeath to each of my children, viz: Barbara Dunghen, William Dunghe Frances Dunghen and Thomas Dunghen, three score and ten pounds apiece, to paid unto them when they shall attaine to their full ages, or daye of marriage. if it happen, any of my said children shall dye before they come of age or happen marry, then my will and meaning is, that the part or porcion of him or her, or the soe dyeing, shall revert and come to the survivor or survivors of my said children to be equally divided part and portion alike between them. Any my further and meaneing is, that my said wife shall dureing her widdowhood, have the governing of my said children's porcions, then my true intent and meaning is, that my said wife shall give good security to my overseers hereunder named, for the true and sure payment of the said legacies bequeathed to my said children as aforesaid according to my true intent and meaneing herein expressed. Item: All other my estate, whatsoever be it, in goods, chattels, leases, ready money, plate, or other my substance what ever, I bequeath to my loveing wife Frances Dunghen, whome I make full and executrix. [4]


September 18, 1636 in Westminster, Middlesex, England.
Last Modified 25 Jun 2018Created 28 Sep 2020 Anthony Deen