Deen, Fordice, Hallett, Hodges and Van Horn Families - Person Sheet
Deen, Fordice, Hallett, Hodges and Van Horn Families - Person Sheet
NameHarlevin de Conteville
Birthabt 3 Sep 1001, Conteville, Calvados, Basse-Normandie, Royaume de France
Death1 May 1072, Mortain, Manche, Basse-Normandie, Royaume de France
OccupationVicomte De Conteville
FatherJean de Conteville (-~1067)
Birthabt 1003, Falaise, Calvados, Basse-Normandie, Royaume de France
Deathabt 1050, Eure, Haute-Normandie, Royaume de France
FatherFulbert de Falaise (~971-~1033)
ChildrenRobert de Mortagne (~1031-1090)
Notes for Harlevin de Conteville


HERLUIN, son of --- . Vicomte de Conteville. He founded the abbey of Grestain after 1050[2071].

m firstly HERLEVE, mistress of ROBERT II King of Normandy, daughter of FULBERT & his wife [Doda/Duwa] --- . The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines refers to the mother of Duke Guillaume as "filia…Herbertus pelliparius et uxor eius Doda sive Duwa", specifying that the family was from Chaumont in the diocese of Liège but moved to Falaise although others said that they were from Huy, and specifies her marriage to "Herlewino de Vado comitis"[2072]. Orderic Vitalis calls her "Duke Robert's concubine", and specifies her marriage, referring to her husband as stepfather to Duke Guillaume[2073]. Guillaume de Jumièges names "Herlève fille le Fulbert valet de chamber du duc" as mother of Duke Guillaume II, recording that "un certain Herluin, brave chevalier, prit Herlève pour femme" after the death of Duke Robert[2074]. It is assumed that this marriage took place after Duke Robert's death as no record has been found of the Duke having a subsequent relationship. She presumably died before her husband founded the abbey of Grestain as she is not referred to in the abbey's confirmation charter dated 14 Nov 1189[2075]. Robert of Torigny's De Immutatione Ordinis Monachorum records that "Herluinus de Contevilla…et Herleve uxor eius" were buried in "mon. Sanctæ Mariæ Gresteni"[2076].

m secondly FREDESENDIS, daughter of ---. She is named as the wife of Herluin in the confirmation charter of the abbey of Grestain, dated 14 Nov 1189[2077].

Vicomte Herluin & his first wife had three children:

1. EUDES [Odo] . Guillaume de Jumièges names "Eudes et Robert" as the two sons of Herluin and Herlève[2078]. His parentage is recorded by Orderic Vitalis, who specifies that he was the half-brother of William I King of England[2079]. Named by Florence of Worcester as the brother of King William I "but only on his mother's side"[2080]. His half-brother invested him as Bishop of Bayeux on the death of Bishop Hugues, son of Raoul d'Ivry Comte de Bayeux[2081] in 1050. He is said to have taken an active part in the preparation of the Norman invasion of England and was present at the battle of Hastings 23 Oct 1066. The Brevis Relatio de Origine Willelmi Conquestoris records that "Odone episcopo de Baiocis" contributed 120 ships towards the invasion of England in 1066[2082]. His half-brother William I King of England rewarded him with a grant of over 500 manors in England and created him Earl of Kent in 1067[2083]. Florence of Worcester records that King William left "fratrumque suum Odonem Baiocensem episcopum et Willelmum filium Osberni quem in Herefordensi provincia comitum" when he went to Normandy 21 Feb [1067][2084]. He was one of the leaders of the force which suppressed the rebellion of the Earls of Norfolk and Hereford in 1075[2085]. He began scheming to become Pope, sending great gifts to influential men in Rome, but was arrested by King William and sent to Normandy where he was a prisoner in Rouen between 1082 and 1087[2086]. He was released by King William on his deathbed[2087]. Although King William II restored Odo to his Earldom, he was one of the leaders of the rebellion in 1088 which sought to put Robert Duke of Normandy on the English throne[2088]. He was banished from England and all his honours and possessions forfeited. He became chief adviser to Duke Robert in Normandy, accompanying him on the First Crusade but dying en route in Palermo[2089]. Bishop Odo had one illegitimate son:

a) JEAN de Bayeux . Son of Odo bishop of Bayeux according to Orderic Vitalis, who records that Jean gave King Henry news of the death of his nephew Guillaume "Clito" Count of Flanders in 1128[2090]. Orderic Vitalis records that he lived at the court of Henry I King of England where he was held in esteem for his eloquence and probity[2091].

2. ROBERT de Mortain . Guillaume de Jumièges names "Eudes et Robert" as the two sons of Herluin and Herlève[2092]. His parentage is recorded by Orderic Vitalis, who specifies that he was the half-brother of William I King of England [2093]. Named by Florence of Worcester as the brother of King William I "but only on his mother's side"[2094]. Guillaume de Jumièges records that his half-brother Guillaume II Duke of Normandy installed Robert as Comte de Mortain after expelling "Guillaume Guerlenc"[2095]. He was installed as Comte de Mortain in 1063 by his half-brother Guillaume II Duke of Normandy, after he dispossessed Guillaume Werlenc[2096]. King William I granted him nearly all the land of Cornwall as a reward for his participation at the battle of Hastings in 1066, but he does not seem to have been created Earl of Cornwall, continuing to be referred to as "comes Moritoniensis"[2097]. "Robertus Moretonii comes frater Villelmi Anglorum regis et Normannorum principis" granted property to the abbey of Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire by charter dated 9 Jan 1083[2098]. He joined his brother Eudes in the 1088 rebellion against King William II but was pardoned[2099]. The necrology of the church of Mortain records the death "8 Dec" of "Robertus comes Moretonii fundator istius ecclesie"[2100]. m firstly MATHILDE de Montgommery, daughter of ROGER Sire de Montgommery, Vicomte d'Hiémois [later Earl of Shrewsbury] & his first wife Mabel d'Alençon . She is named and her parentage given by Orderic Vitalis, who lists her second among her father's daughters by his first marriage and names her husband[2101]. "Robert count of Mortain" donated property to the abbey of Mont Saint-Michel for "his deceased wife Mathildis and his living wife Almodis" by charter dated to [1087/91][2102]. “Willielmus comes Moritonii” founded Montcute Priory, for the souls of “patris mei Roberti comitis et matris meæ Mathillidis comitissæ”, by undated charter[2103]. m secondly ALMODIS, daughter of ---. "Robert count of Mortain" donated property to the abbey of Mont Saint-Michel for "his deceased wife Mathildis and his living wife Almodis" with the consent of "Robert his son" by charter dated to [1087/91], which specifies that "William his other son has promised to grant it if Almodis should leave no heir"[2104]. Earl Robert & his first wife had five children:

a) ROBERT . "Robert count of Mortain" donated property to the abbey of Mont Saint-Michel for "his deceased wife Mathildis and his living wife Almodis" with the consent of "Robert his son" by charter dated to [1087/91], which specifies that "William his other son has promised to grant it if Almodis should leave no heir"[2105].

b) GUILLAUME de Mortain . Orderic Vitalis refers to him as nepos of Robert III Duke of Normandy[2106]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Guilelmi" as son of "Robertum comitem Moretonii"[2107]. Robert of Torigny names "unum filium Guillermum et tres filias" as the children of "Robertus comes Moritonii uterinus frater Willermi regis"[2108]. "Robert count of Mortain" donated property to the abbey of Mont Saint-Michel for "his deceased wife Mathildis and his living wife Almodis" with the consent of "Robert his son…and William his other son" by charter dated to [1087/91][2109]. He succeeded his father in 1090 as Comte de Mortain, and in the latter's lands in Cornwall. He unsuccessfully claimed the earldom of Kent on the death of his uncle Eudes[2110]. “Willielmus comes Moritonii” founded Montcute Priory, for the souls of “patris mei Roberti comitis et matris meæ Mathillidis comitissæ”, by undated charter[2111]. "…Willelmi comitis de Moritun…" subscribed a charter dated 14 Sep 1101 under which Henry I King of England donated property to Bath St Peter[2112]. Florence of Worcester records that "Willelmus comes de Moreteon" rebelled against Henry I King of England, who confiscated all his English lands in [1104][2113]. Florence of Worcester also records that "comes Willelmus de Moretonio" fought with Robert Duke of Normandy against King Henry I at Tinchebrai in [1106], was captured, but later escaped and fled[2114]. Orderic Vitalis records that he was imprisoned for many years and all his honours forfeited[2115]. He became a Cluniac monk at Bermondsey in 1140. m ADILILDIS, daughter of ---. The primary source which confirms her marriage has not yet been identified.

c) AGNES de Mortain . Robert of Torigny names "unum filium Guillermum et tres filias" as the children of "Robertus comes Moritonii uterinus frater Willermi regis", specifying that one unnamed daughter married "Andreas de Vitreio"[2116]. A charter dated to [1110] records that "Andreas dominus Vitriaci castri et frater eius Philippus et uxor ipsius Andreæ…Agnes, cum filiis suis Roberto, Gervasio et Elia" confirmed the foundation of Sainte-Croix de Vitré[2117]. m ANDRE [I] Seigneur de Vitré, son of ROBERT [I] Seigneur de Vitré & his wife Berthe de Craon.

d) DENISE de Mortain . Robert of Torigny names "unum filium Guillermum et tres filias" as the children of "Robertus comes Moritonii uterinus frater Willermi regis", specifying that one unnamed daughter married "Guido de Laval"[2118]. A charter dated to [1085] records that "Guy II fils de Hamon" withdrew claims against Ronceray relating to property donated by his father by charter dated to [1085] which names "Denise son épouse" and is witnessed by "Hugues, frère de Guy II"[2119]. A charter dated to [1080/90] records that "Guidone de Valle" sold "boscum…Monduluet" to "domnus Rivallonus monachus" at Marmoutier, with the consent of "Hugo frater eius…et Dionisia uxor eius"[2120]. "Guido de Lavalle" donated the priory of Parné to the church of Saint-Nicholas d'Angers "pro salute sua et uxoris sue Dionisie" by charter dated [1080/90][2121]. A charter dated 1090 records that "Guido junior" succeeded "in paternum…honorem" on the death of "Haimonis senioris de Valle Guidonis" and that when, after some time, "supradicti domni Guidonis conjugem" died, he granted further rights to Marmoutier when she was buried "juxta patrem suum Haimonem"[2122]. m [as his second wife,] GUY [II] Sire de Laval, son of HAMON Sire de Laval & his wife Hersende --- .

e) EMMA de Mortain . Robert of Torigny names "unum filium Guillermum et tres filias" as the children of "Robertus comes Moritonii uterinus frater Willermi regis", specifying that one unnamed daughter married "comes Tolosanus frater Raimundi comitis Sancti Ægidii"[2123]. Her name is confirmed by the charter dated 1114 under which her daughter “Philippæ comitissæ…Emmæ filia” reached agreement with “Bernardus-Atonis filius Ermengardis”[2124]. m as his second wife, GUILLAUME IV Comte de Toulouse, son of PONS Comte de Toulouse & his second wife Almodis de la Marche .

Earl Robert & his second wife had one child:

f) ROBERT de Mortain . The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified.

3. [2125]daughter. The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. m GUILLAUME Seigneur de la Ferté-Macé .

Vicomte Herluin & his second wife had [two] children:

4. RAOUL de Conteville . He is called son of Herluin "by another wife" by Orderic Vitalis[2126]. "…Rodulfus filius Herluini…" witnessed the charter dated to [1073] under which William I King of England confirmed the donation by "Nielli filii alterius Nielli" made by "suus pater" of six churches on Guernsey to the abbey of Marmoutier[2127]. He is referred to as the son of Herluin in the charter of confirmation of the abbey of Grestain, dated 14 Nov 1089, the implication of the text being that he was the son of Hilduin's wife Fredesendis[2128]. Raoul was recorded in Domesday Book as a landowner in Somerset and Devon in 1086. m ---. The name of Raoul's wife is not known. Raoul & his wife had one child:

a) BERNARD FitzRaoul . The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. 1092/93.

5. JEAN de Conteville . The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. 1089.

6. [RICHARD FitzHerluin . "…Richard fitz Herluin…" witnessed the charter dated 1082 under which William I King of England donated property to the abbey of la Trinité de Caen[2129].]
Last Modified 9 Jun 2018Created 28 Sep 2020 Anthony Deen