Deen, Fordice, Hallett, Hodges and Van Horn Families - Person Sheet
Deen, Fordice, Hallett, Hodges and Van Horn Families - Person Sheet
NameJohn Richmond
Birth1737, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Province of Pennsylvania
Death1814, Washington County, Pennsylvania
BurialWest Finley, Washington County, Pennsylvania
OccupationMason, Revolutionary War Veteran
FatherJoseph Richmond (~1710-1781)
MotherEsther Purdy (1710-1801)
Birth1745, Bucks County, Province of Pennsylvania
Death1815, Washington County, Pennsylvania
BurialWest Finley, Washington County, Pennsylvania
FatherThomas Croasdale Smith (1696-1750)
MotherElizabeth Sanders (1706-1760)
Marriage1768, York County, Pennsylvania
ChildrenIsaac (1769-)
 Elizabeth (1770-)
 Martha (1772-)
 Esther (1774-)
 Hannah (1776-1856)
 Jacob (1778-)
Notes for John Richmond

10 children born to this marriage

Revolutionary War Veteran

Richmond family is from Scotland

Isaac Richmond, 13 Jan 1769
Elizabeth Richmond, 16 May 1770
Martha Richmond, 11 Apr 1772
Esther Richmond, 20 Aug 1774
Hanna Richmond, 03 Jun 1776

Jacob Richmond, 17 Sep 1778

Enlistment description-- Trade, Mason, 5 ft. 8 in. tall, brown complexion, well set, age 21, Pennsylvania born, enlisted May 12, 1758, making his birth in 1737. Following is one of his records: A return of recruits by Capt. Chas. McClung for a PA Reg., May 29, 1858, Patrick Craighead, Lieut. Penna. Archives, Ser. 5, Vol. I.

Private in Capt. James Murray's Co., entered Nov. or Dec., 1775. At Battles of Trenton and Princeton. First Lieut.--Peter Sturgeon. Second Lieut. John Simpson. Ensign-John Ryan.
2--In Capt. Murray's 1st Class of 4th Bat., Lancaster Co., Pa., 1778,
3--Oct. 21, 1779. 5th Class--Capt. Murray's 1st Class of 4th Bat., Lancaster Co, PA.
4--1779--Capt. Murray, 5th Class.
5--April 12, 1781--Capt. Murray, 10th Bat., Col. Robert Elder. Commander
6--1782--Lancaster Co. Mil., 1st Co., 10th Bat.
7--Muster Roll, 7th Class, 10th Bat., Lancaster Co. One tour.
8--1st Co., 10th Bat., 1782, Lancaster Co., M--Capt. Murray.

This record found in PA Archives:
9--Pay Rolls--Ser. 6, Vol. X, Pa. Arch. John Richmond--Private,$10.00--1 yr. 7 mo.--$12.33 1 3. Lieut. Wm. MeCune, 18 Reg., PA.--Lieut. Col. Robert Miller. John Richmond--3d Co., 1st Rifle Reg.,received $6.00 extra pay, Nov. 24, 1814, Daniel Bussier-paymaster.

28 SEP 1756
John Richmond of Huntington Township, yeoman to Alexander Brown of Tyrone
Township, Blacksmith - 11 pounds, 4 shillings - current money of Pennsylvania -
tract of land in Huntington Township situated on a branch of Burmuden adjoining
Richard Sadler and Michael Fichel surveyed to William Wilson, now in my

Signed, John Richmond

Witnesses: Richard Brown and William Duffield

Richard Brown oath sayeth he saw John Richmond sign the foregoing instrument
as his act and deed 30 OCT 1756.

York, the 19th day of April 1757 , recorder

Thomas Hamilton Esguire, high sheriff of the County of York in the Province of
Pennsylvania. To all to whom these premises hath come Greetings. Whereas
Elijah Etting, lately in the Court of Common Pleas before the Justices of the
same Court at York in the term of July which was in the year of our Lord one
thousand seven hundred and fifty six and in the thirteenth year of the reign of
our sovereign Lord George the second, by the grace of God, of Great Britain,
France and Ireland., King Defender of the faith by his claim and by the
judgement of the same court recovered against John Richmond of Huntington
Township in the county aforesaid as well a certain debt of forty eight pounds,
sixteen shillings, and eight pence lawful money of Pennsylvania as forty five
shillings and six pence, which to the said Elijah Etting by the same court were
adjudged for his cost and charges by him about his suit in that behalf expended
and whereas by a writ of Feini Facias of our said Lord the King issuing out of
the court of Common Pleas aforesaid the thirteenth day of July in the
thirthieth year of the reign and to me the said sheriff directed, I was
commanded that of the goods and chattles, lands, and tenements of the said John
Richmond in my bailwick. I should cause to be made the debt and damages
aforesaid and that I should save that money before the justices aforesaid at
York aforesaid the last Tuesday of October next after the tax of the said
reciled that to undo to the aforesaid the Elijah Etting of his debt and damages
aforesaid. At which day I the said sheriff returned that by virtue of the
aforesaid to me directed. I had seized and taken in execution a certain tract
of land and plantation situated in Huntington Township and adjoining the lands
of John Graham and William Harrone, being the same which was granted to John
Richey by warrant bearing date the ninth day of March 1753 and by the said John
Richey assigned to the said John Richmond as by the said warrant and assignment
may appear which said plantation and tract of land by twelve honest and lawful
men of my bailwick was found not sufficient within the term of seven years to
satisfy the said Elijah Etting of his debt and damages aforesiad beyond all
reprieve and that the said tract of land and plantation then remained in my
hands unsold for want of buyers and whereas afterwards by a writ of vendition
expondas of our said Lord the King issuing out of the court of Common Pleas
aforesaid at York aforesaid tract the thirtieth day of October in the thirtieth
year of the reign aforesaid, and to me the said sheriff was directed, I was
commanded that the tract of land and plantation was by me taken in Execution as
aforesaid and then remaining in my hands unsold I should depose to sale and the
money thereof I should have that money before the Justices aforesaid at York
the last Tuesday of January next year after the tract of the said last recited
writ to render to the aforesaid Elijah Etting of his debt and damages
aforesaid. At which day I the said sheriff returned that by virtue of the
aforesaid writ of Vendition Expondas on the twenty sixth day of January last I
exposed the tract of land and imporovement aforesaid to sale by public Vendue,
whereof I had caused due notice to be given and the same sold to Elijah Etting
he being the highest bidder for the sum of thirty one pounds which money I had
ready before the justices aforesaid at the day and place in the said writ of
Vendition Expondas mentioned to reminder to the aforesaid Elijah Etting in part
of his debt and damages aforesaid as by the same writ I was commanded as by the
said writ and my returns thereon I endorsed remaining among the files and
records of the said Court may appear. Now know ye that I the said Thomas
Hamilton in consideration of the aforesaid sum of thirty one pounds to me in
hand paid by the aforesaid Elijah Etting before the sealing and delivery of
these presents the receipt whereof I do honestly acknowledge and thereof do
acquit and forever discharge the aforesaid Elijah Etting his executors,
administrators and assignees by these presents and have granted, bargained and
sold and by the direction of the said recited writ, and by force and virtue
thereof and of the law and constitution of the Province in such case made and
provided do hereby grant, bargain and sell unto the aforesaid Elijah Etting and
to his heirs and assignees all the aforesaid tract of land and plantation with
all the rights, and appurtenances whatsover thereunto belonging or in any way
appurtenancing and also all the estate, right, title and interest whatsoever of
him the aforesaid John Richmond of in or to the premises aforesaid or any part
thereof to have and to hold the said tract of land and plantation hereby
granted, mentioned or intended so to be with the appurtenances unto the said
Elijah Etting, his heirs and assignees to the only use and behoof of the
aforesaid Elijah Etting, his heirs and assignees forever according to the form
force and effect of the act of the General Assembly of this Province in such
case made and provided subject nevertheless to the payment of the residue of
the purchase money, interest and quit rent due and to become due and reserved
on the same to the Honorable the Properietaries of the Province of
Pennsylvania, their heirs and successors in witness whereof I have hereunto set
my hand and affixed my seal of office at York the 22 day of March in the
thirtheenth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second by the
Grace of God of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King the defender of the
faith and in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty seven.

Thomas Hamilton

Sealed and delivered in the presents of us:
Martin Eykleberger and Phil Shewbart
Received the twenty second day of march 1757 of Elijah Etting the sum of
thirty one pounds in full of the consideration within mentioned.
Witness present
Martin Eykleberger and Phil Shewbart

Civil Court records 1776
Lessee of John Richmond and Ann, his wife vs William Maulsby, tenant.

Lessee of James Toland and Elizabeth, his wife, vs William Maulsby, tenant.

THIS INDENTURE made the seventeenth day of May in the year of our Lord one
thousand seven hundred and seventy between Peter Beaver of the
Township of Paxton and County of Lancaster and province of Pennsylvania, and
Susanna his wife, of the one part, and John Richmond of the Township of
Newberry and County of York and province aforesaid, yeoman of the other part,
witnesseth whereas by the virtue of a warrant from the Honorable, the
proprietors of the province there was surveys and laid out to and for the above
Peter Beaver, a tract of land on the West side of the Susquehanna River as by
the warrant and survey thereof remaining in the Surveyors General Office at
Philadelphia may appear. Now this indenture witnesseth that the said Peter
Beaver and Susanna his wife for and in the consideration of one hundred and
fifty pounds lawful money of Pennsylvania them paid by the said John Richmond,
at or before the sealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt, whereof
they do here acknowledge and thereof do acquire and forever discharge the said
John Richmond and his heirs and assignees by these presents do grant and
bargain sell release and confirm unto this John Richmond, his heirs and
assignees all the above mentioned tract of land containing one hundred forty
nine acres be the same more or less. Together with all houses, buildings,
gardens, orchards, woods, meadows, waters, water courses, rights, liberties,
privileges, hereunto and appertains, whatsoever of this, the Peter Beaver and
Susanna his wife, of in to the same to have and to hold the said tract or
parcel of land with the appeartains and premises hereunto granted mentioned or
intended so to be and every part thereof unto the said John Richmond and his
heirs and assignees forever subject to the yearly quit rents and all other
demands now due and hereafter to become due on the said tract of land to the
honorable the properties aforesaid; and the said Peter Beaver and his heirs the
tract of land and premises hereof granted with the appertains unto the said
John Richmond his heirs and assignees, and against all and every other person
or persons whatsoever claiming or to claim by, from or under them, or any of
them shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents and the said
Peter Beaver and Susanna his wife for themselves their heirs executors
Administrators doth covenant, promise and grant to, and with the said John
Richmond his heirs and assignees by these presents, that they the Peter Beaver
and Susanna his wife and their heirs and all and every other person and persons
having or lawfully claiming or whosoever shall have or claim and Estate, Right,
Title, or interest due or to the said tract of land hereunto and premises
hereby sold and released or mentioned to be, by from or under them shall and
will grant time to time and at all times hereafter, upon reasonable request
cost and charge in law of the said John Richmond, his heirs or assignees, make,
execute and acknowledge, or cause to be all and every such further and
reasonable act and acts, deed or deeds, device or devices, in law whatsoever
for the further and better assurances and confirmation of the said tract of
land and premises released and part thereof with the appertains unto the said
John Richmond his heirs and assignees as by him or them or by his or their
Council learned in the law shall be reasonably devised or advised or required.
In witness hereof the parties to these presents have interchangeably set their
hand seals hereunto the deal and day and year first above written.

Peter Beaver

Susanna Beaver
Sealed and delivered in the presents of
Thomas Smith and John Welch

Received the same day of the date of the above indenture the sum of one
hundred and fifty pounds in full of the consideration money I say received of

York County; before me, James Welch one of the justices of the peace for said
County, came Peter Beaver and Susanna his wife, and she being apart by me
examined and she being of full age, they acknowledged the above indenture to be
their act and deed and desire the same to be recorded, witnessed my hand and
seal the eighteenth day of May 1770.

James Welch
The true copy taken from and compared witht the original at York the 3rd day
of August AD, 1804.

John Baronitz, Recorder

John Richmond and others to John Baxter.

THIS INDENTURE, the sixteen day of April in the year of our Lord, one thousand
seven hundred and eighty eight between John Richmond of the
Township of Newberry in the County of York and State of Pennsylvania, yeoman,
and Hannah his wife of the one part, and John Baxter of the Township, County
and State aforesaid Yeoman of the other part, whereas the Honorable the
Proprietary of the Province of Pennsylvania in and by their Patent or Grant,
bearing date the sixteenth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand
seven hundred and sixty seven did grand and confirm unto Peter
Beaver and his heirs and assignees forever, a certain tract of land situated in
Newberry Township aforesaid called Hopewell, bounded and described as follows
to wit: Beginning at a marked White Oak standing at the side of Fishing Creek,
thence by vacant land south nine degrees, west twenty six perches to a stone,
thence by Thomas Jennings land, south forty four degrees, east ninety four
perches to a tree, thence by William Baxter's land, south forty four degrees,
east eighty seven perches to a post, thence by the Reverand Richard Peter's
land, north forty eight degrees, east seventy one perches to a marked hickory,
thence by James Welch's land, north twenty seven degrees, west eight perches to
a marked white oak, north sixty eight degrees, east forty perches, to a stone,
north eleven degrees, west forty two perches to a white oak stump, north twenty
seven degrees, west one hundred and eight perches to a marked white oak, thence
by James Mill's land, south eighty one degrees, west forty one perches to a
marked white oak, thence by vacant land, south forty nine degrees, west seventy
two perches to a hickory grubb, north forty seven degrees, west twenty six
perches to a post standing at the side of Fishing Creek thence up the same
fifty three perches to the place of beginning, containing one hundred and forty
nine acres and the usual allowance of six acres percent for roads as in and by
the said recited patent recorded at Philadelphia in the office for recording
deeds in Book A, Volume 8, page 385 fully may appear. And whereas the said
Peter Beaver and Susanna his wife, by their indenture bearing date the
seventeenth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and
seventy , did grant and confirm the said described tract of land
and premises unto the said John Richmond and his heirs and assignees forever,
as in and by the said recited deeds relation being thereunto had more fully and
at large may appear. Now this indenture witnesseth that the said John Richmond
and Hannah his wife, for and in the consideration of, the sum of two hundred
pounds in real gold or silver money to them in hand paid by the said John
Baxter at and before the sealing and dlivery of these presents the receipt
whereof is hereby acknowledged, have and each of them hath granted, bargained,
sold, aliened, released and confirmed, and by these presents do and each of
them doth grant, bargain, sell, align, release and confirm unto the said John
Baxter and his heirs and assignees, all that the above described tract of one
hundred and forty nine acres and allowances, hereditaments, and premises,
hereby granted mentioned or intended to be with the appurtenances together with
all and singular the woods, ways, waters, water courses, orchards, meadows,
gardens, rights, members and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging or in
any way appertaining and the reversion and reversions, remainder and
remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, and also all the estate right,
title, interest, property, claim and demand whatsoever of them the said John
Richmond and Hannah his wife, of in and to, the said described tract of land
and premises and every part and parcel thereof to have and to hold the said
described tract of one hundred and forty nine acres of land and allowance with
the appurtenace unto the said John Baxter his heirs and assignees to the only
proper use and behoof of him the said John Baxter his heirs and assignees
forever, under and subject to the payment of the quit rents due and hereafter
to become due and payable to the Chief Lord or Lords of the Free thereof and
the said John Richmond for himself and his heirs doth hereby convenant,
promise, and grant to and with the said John Baxter, his heirs and assignees,
that he the said John Richmond and his heirs the said tract of land and
premises and every part and parcel thereof against them the said John Richmond
and Hannah his wife, and against all and every other person and persons
whatsoever lawfully claiming or to claim by from or under him, them or any of
them shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents, in witness
thereof the said parties to these presents have hereunto interchangebley set
their hands and seals, dated the day and year first above written.

John Richmond


Hannah X Richmond


Sealed and delivered in the presence of us
John Garretson and William Drury

Received the day and year aforesaid of the above named John Baxter the sum of
two hundred pounds in real gold or silver money it being the consideration
money in full.

John Richmond

witnesses present at signing
John Garretson and William Drury

York County: On the twenty first day of April Anna Domini 1788, , Before me the subscriber one of the Justices of the Court of Common
Pleas in and for the said County, came John Richmond and Hannah his wife, and
acknowledged the above written indenture to be their act and deed, and desired
the same might be recorded as such, the said Hannah being of full age was
privately by me examined and the contents of the said writing first made known
unto her voluntarily consenting thereto, witness my hand and seal the day and
year aforesaid.

Robert Hamersly

A true copy taken and compared with the original at York the 3rd day of August
AD, 1804.
William Baxter
John Baxter

He was married to Hannah Smith about 1768 in York Co, PA. Hannah Smith3 was born about 1745. She
died about 1815. She has reference number 407. She was buried in Salem Meth
Ch Cem, West Finley Twp, Washington Co, PA.
Last Modified 15 Apr 2019Created 28 Sep 2020 Anthony Deen